"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs on hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate—he has little success in this—but with the other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different (and more) things than do the others; after all, dead as he is in his own lifetime, he is the real survivor. This assumes that he does not need both hands, or more hands than he has, in his struggle against despair."--Kafka

Saturday, May 31, 2008

You don't understand their songs, Chet Lam——關於My Little Airport 「浪漫九龍塘」演唱會(上)

My Little Airport 的「浪漫九龍塘」演唱會是由林一峰的公司承辦,自然林一峰會出席,他上台評說MLA 的歌時說:「詩意中帶賤格,賤格中帶詩意,我就比較喜歡賤格那部份。」又說:「我跟阿P 說,你的歌詞為何那麼搞笑,阿P 說,其實他寫的都是悲劇。」我當時想的是,Chet Lam ,你真不明白MLA 了。我們喜歡MLA ,不是因為MLA 的歌詞搞笑,不是因為他們有詩意那麼簡單。我們喜歡MLA,是因為他們性格嚴重分裂,用甜美的音樂去包裝「爆頹」的歌詞,既溫柔又暴烈;是因為他們夠坦率,他們講性、講暗戀、講自殺、講殘暴、講生活小事;是因為他們寫的都是充滿青春苦澀味的題材,而我們都是同一群靡爛的年青人;是因為他們的喃喃自語,他們不會扮有社會責任扮高深;是因為他們夠荒謬,有點胡來,跟我們一樣,以爛gag,以虛無來回應這越來越無法被我們理解的世界一樣。

然後你作了一首「浪漫九龍城」,cover 「浪漫九龍塘」,噢,我們多麼喜愛「浪漫九龍塘」,多麼喜愛「We have to be very strong, if we want to do something very wrong」,多麼喜愛「這樣會否破壞了交往」,多麼喜愛他們的赤裸裸,多麼喜愛他們的疑惑,多麼喜愛他們說中我們的心事,而已你唱的是感嘆九龍堿的變遷,很對不起,我不是說題材不好,只是你唱的已經老掉牙的歌詞,依然不是題材問題,是手法問題而已。
