"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs on hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate—he has little success in this—but with the other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different (and more) things than do the others; after all, dead as he is in his own lifetime, he is the real survivor. This assumes that he does not need both hands, or more hands than he has, in his struggle against despair."--Kafka

Monday, June 2, 2008

瑣事才是正經事——關於My Little Airport 「浪漫九龍塘」演唱會(下)

我時常覺得可以為MLA 的歌詞寫一篇論文,因為那實在太能反映青葱歲月的鬱悶和青澀,但為MLA 寫一篇論文又實在是一件太沉重的事情,MLA 只是一隊愛寫瑣事的indie band,注定不屬於主流的,將之規範成嚴肅的論文又實在太不配合他們的手法。
我益發喜歡MLA 了,甚至說得上是瘋狂的愛上。
「浪漫九龍塘」live 演唱的大部份歌曲都做了rearrangement,搖滾、溫婉、吟唱、獨白、芭樂,nicole 越唱越放,比CD version 棒,阿P 的低沉男音越聽越喜歡。我喜歡MLA 甩甩地,不專業,還有阿P 的有味gag,甚至夾雜粗口,例如「就當我是張如城」的arrangement 很低B,阿P 就說:「很seven 。」嘩。
我很喜歡我至愛的「失落沮喪歌」,以及「my little fish」的新版本,nicole 的演唱不算得上唱,是讀歌詞,很有型格。新歌「濕濕的夢」坦率得可愛,還有nicole rock 版「林亞珍」也出色,最教我驚喜是新歌「The more you're MK, the more I'm OK」,阿P 說「這首歌很能反映人生的荒謬,以及愛情的真諦」,我啞然失笑。
我有一種感覺,MLA 應該是繼AMK 之後成為香港indie 界的另一個legend。