"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs on hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate—he has little success in this—but with the other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different (and more) things than do the others; after all, dead as he is in his own lifetime, he is the real survivor. This assumes that he does not need both hands, or more hands than he has, in his struggle against despair."--Kafka

Friday, April 10, 2009

Cult Cult Cult!

去看電影節最好玩既係睇Cult 片,純粹娛樂,純屬惡搞,純屬瘋狂!

今年揀左兩套Cult 片睇——「風塵三俠決戰地獄門」同埋「從印度到中國」。要我評「風塵三俠決戰地獄門」其實有D 唔公平,事關我十分鍾意三池崇史既「日式牛仔一品鍋」,好多人話「日」好唔掂,不過我覺得佢勁惡搞,好Cult ,好bad taste,好肉酸,所以我好鍾意,要知道Cult 片呢味野冇得講,你可以話佢好惡搞好炒冷飯,不過我又睇得過癮呀,冇得講!當然無論劇情、場面、攝影方面,「風」都真係贏既,所有野都好完整,劇本將韓國、中國同牛仔風格fusion 埋,但係又唔古怪,場面好刺激,人物好突出,所以撇除我一心想惡搞既心態黎睇(冇法,我真係好愛讀莎士比亞既亨利),「風」係一套絕頂好睇既電影,最正當然係朴道完單臂捉住條繩用rifle 從高用槍射人啦(仲有做乜無啦啦轉rifle ?點轉到架?),型到爆!最後沙漠追逐果段都好正,沙塵滾滾,好刺激!

至於「從印度到中國」真係好爛,但係爛得黎我又好開心!劇情其實老套到暈,典型不學無術既後生仔,經過高人指導去練成好功夫,為親人報仇,玩印度同中國fusion,無端端加插D Bollywood 歌舞,成班人響長城跳舞,好肉酸既廣告,用埋哂D 國產武器(中國果然係世界工廠!),甚至出現「Intermission」字樣!搞乜呀?不過惡搞萬歲!開心完就夠啦,YEAH!