"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs on hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate—he has little success in this—but with the other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different (and more) things than do the others; after all, dead as he is in his own lifetime, he is the real survivor. This assumes that he does not need both hands, or more hands than he has, in his struggle against despair."--Kafka

Sunday, April 19, 2009




有些figure 受人景仰,是因為夠早死,例如Ian Curtis 和Kurt Cobain 不死就不成legend,阿P 都高唱不如廿九歲就去死(北歐是我們的死亡終站),Ian Curtis 的老婆說他早死是因為他老早有早死的傾向,其實你聽聽他們的音樂就一早知道,他們不會長命,香港呢?哥哥。梅艷芳都遲了,最legendary 還是翁美玲。

不長命是因為鬱悶,覺得這世界住不下去了,這種自殺法是最最沒得救的,Instillation of Hope 是活命丹,但Hope 恰巧也只是placebo,Placebo喎,你信就有,不信則無。

在香港,竟然少人憤世,寫憤世的歌曲是沒有人聽的,無論直接的間接的有趣的都沒有人聽(幸好一批年青MLA迷),大家還是去卡拉OK 唱罐頭苦情歌,我覺得很吃驚,政治和社會氛圍令人沒有死掉,只是麻木而已,隨波逐流,都是一隻又一隻半熟的青蛙。

這是個ME generation,不是WE generation,所以不如去卡拉OK,感懷身世,勝於理會一下這社會有多令人憤怒。



FTC,請你快點發碟吧,我並且奢求這是一張如The Velvet Underground and Nico會掀起革命的一根香蕉!(好無聊)

整個鬱悶的星期天下午,聽Joy Division,這位德國慰安婦,安撫心靈。
