"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs on hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate—he has little success in this—but with the other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different (and more) things than do the others; after all, dead as he is in his own lifetime, he is the real survivor. This assumes that he does not need both hands, or more hands than he has, in his struggle against despair."--Kafka

Saturday, April 10, 2010



愛情戲從不是我杯茶,但witty 小品總合我口味。湯小姐裸身沒引力,但一顰一笑足以教我著迷,從千嬌百媚的女特工化成鄰家少女,多多少少展示湯小姐的可怕天份(是,真的可怕,她穿花裙時你還對她有性幻想嗎?一個女子能既出色且平凡!)她把大布袋一拉背上,獨個兒把一整部抽濕機抬起;在茶餐廳,罵完張學友,一個甩手,整本小說擲在桌上,滿桌奶茶,多硬朗的女孩,但在一哭一笑間總帶點俏皮,帶點嫵媚,小小一齣小品也能演得這樣聰明,還有她那令人過目不忘的臉蛋,湯小姐啊湯小姐,群星拱照你來了。

楊小姐曾是我的女神,不過跟了黎先生,形象徹底破滅。彭浩翔令她重生了,余春嬌滄桑的口吻,在妝容下隱隱透出的黑眼圈,熟練地調情,不再做大笑姑婆,不扮年輕,楊小姐演回自己而毫不忸怩。那頭紅髮,那黑色指甲,那貼身西裝,那支幼煙,那個clutch bag,走在街上,任誰都說她沉著了世故了,我沒眼花吧——好像看到是「每當變幻時」結局的中那個做了化妝師的她。

我承認我bitchy,湯小姐和楊小姐都bitchy,但我沒她們長得好看,好看的女人bitchy就成了可愛和有傲氣,而醜女人bitchy 就真的成了bitch。