"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs on hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate—he has little success in this—but with the other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different (and more) things than do the others; after all, dead as he is in his own lifetime, he is the real survivor. This assumes that he does not need both hands, or more hands than he has, in his struggle against despair."--Kafka

Saturday, January 29, 2011

shock therapy

跟Dr T做thesis,係一件好painful 既experience,果種painful唔係辛苦咁簡單,而係要搞起哂你所有新仇舊恨,confront 到你暈,你要面對自己最大既弱點,完全係shock therapy,我知道未來既個月我會辛苦到震,係成個人地震咁,但係我知道,過左呢一場地震,i will become a better person,所以,我‧係‧唔‧會‧走,我會堅持,這就是勇氣。