"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs on hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate—he has little success in this—but with the other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different (and more) things than do the others; after all, dead as he is in his own lifetime, he is the real survivor. This assumes that he does not need both hands, or more hands than he has, in his struggle against despair."--Kafka

Friday, January 14, 2011


1. 請請請請不要照書讀,書和readings我是會回家讀的了,上課時講重點,講態度,刺激思考;
2. 講一半不講一半,為何?講頭一半是引子,後半是由學生自行領悟,這樣才能分得出學生是否高手;
3. 上堂有幾句punchline ,餘音裊裊,學生如能在十年後都還記得就成功,我中一時遇到個怪老師,教IS的,第一堂問我們怎向一個又盲又聾又啞的人解釋「火」是什麼,我至今還記得;
4. 請請請上課教你最專長的,很多科目範圍很廣,如果全都談談的話,肯定不夠時間,只談你最熟的,我就學得最多。我有位老師,很有型的,第一堂時說:「考試我會考課本,但課本是由你回家讀的,我上堂只會談我最感興趣的。」於是全都是教他最擅長的,至今還記得;
5. 有火,不是說是談得天花亂墜,而是讓我感到你是喜歡教這科目的,你是緊張學生的,想學生認真學習,有一個老師第一課就跟我們說:「你們cite reference,不要再cite Corey & Corey,這是undergrad level的!你們是master,我不要你們cite 這些!如果你cite 的話,我一定嬲死,丟回給你再做!」這就是型嘛,好老師是要有要求!
6. 有charm,這個比較難,但這三年來我遇到不少有charm 的老師,有寸咀的,有大愛的,有型的,有透徹頭腦的,有料的老師容易有charm,到了我這個年紀,我實在不需要一個處處討好學生的老師,我只是需要一個有學問,有心教,能身教的老師!老實說,上有魅力的老師的課,真的精神百倍!