"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs on hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate—he has little success in this—but with the other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different (and more) things than do the others; after all, dead as he is in his own lifetime, he is the real survivor. This assumes that he does not need both hands, or more hands than he has, in his struggle against despair."--Kafka

Sunday, November 8, 2009


作為理科生,做事喜歡快狠準,點到即止,不喜長篇大論。作文向來都困難,每次寫文,為了「not less than xxxx words」的規定,有點強迫症地按m$ 的word count,一百個字,二百個字這樣捱過去的,搞盡腦汁把一個point 灌水發脹,永遠生怕不夠字數。
這幾個月來,我的功課沒有字數限制,但完成的每一份功課,英文的起碼四千字,中文的起碼五千字,每一個星期都在寫,由言簡意賅變成嘮嘮叨叨。寫得太習慣了,簡直如有神助。今天洋洋灑灑的KO 九千個中文字,我相信這個course 以來我寫了超過十萬字,可以出本小說了。