"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs on hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate—he has little success in this—but with the other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different (and more) things than do the others; after all, dead as he is in his own lifetime, he is the real survivor. This assumes that he does not need both hands, or more hands than he has, in his struggle against despair."--Kafka

Monday, March 23, 2009



我特喜歡鄧小樺,隔天就造訪她的blog ,也從妹妹口中聽聞她的事情,妹妹說,她是個可觸及的文化人,對對對,好一個性情中人。心底已當她是朋友,買「斑駁日常」時想像成幫補朋友的生活費,這麼的一個女子,笑聲響亮又直爽,保衛皇后碼頭不惜被警方拖走,心思卻細密如絲,寫日常生活也是淡如水,大抵是同時是溫柔和暴烈的女子總是吸引著我吧。我知道我文筆好一點知識多一點眼界闊一點就有勇氣真的跟她做朋友了——雖然我知道這也僅僅是我的想像而已。