"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs on hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate—he has little success in this—but with the other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different (and more) things than do the others; after all, dead as he is in his own lifetime, he is the real survivor. This assumes that he does not need both hands, or more hands than he has, in his struggle against despair."--Kafka

Thursday, March 31, 2011


這個四月。going to live in ontological mode。


這個四月。going to live in ontological mode。

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


也許這幾年真的太勞累,上班、下班、讀書,加上零散的工作,令看畢電影節的感言都只能在facebook 發佈,專心做好自己本份的幾件事,也就算了。

只算了很少的電影觀看,年紀大了,不想再試割凳機會甚高的電影,cult 片看得少了,更要容許自己休息足夠才入場。

我從來都不當看戲是leisure,以往看電影節,都是一個人跑場,偶爾有人加入,我都只當對方是去kill time 和for leisure,for leisure 的人都遠去了,而我還在一個人跑場,享受電影完結時全場鼓掌,和等字幕完結後才離場,那麼寧靜。


Sunday, March 13, 2011


「黑天鵝」明顯以眼高手低之作,想推到高潮而力不足,甚至結果是搞笑的,看到用CG 搞到畫作在大笑我就都好想笑埋一份。其實我覺得如果著力拍女兒與母親那種曖昧 ambivalent 之極的關係,可以是一齣很出色的thriller,我覺得整齣電影最恐怖的一個shot 不是女主角nina 殺人,不是nina要自殺,而是當她回家,母親給她慶祝得到白天鵝角色,她不願吃蛋糕,母親瞪大對眼,說:「那不要吃。」然後要將蛋糕扔去那一刻,那句話的double-bind,吃和不吃都死。母親的陰霾從來都困繞不少人,一個人既想要autonomy 和connection with significant others,教人左右為難的母親,其實就是nina 陰暗面的來源。我想說的是,寫劇本的人可能還不太了解人,所以寫起來還不能力度了吧。