"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs on hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate—he has little success in this—but with the other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different (and more) things than do the others; after all, dead as he is in his own lifetime, he is the real survivor. This assumes that he does not need both hands, or more hands than he has, in his struggle against despair."--Kafka

Sunday, February 27, 2011


很久沒有在週日下午到電影中心看電影,Kubrick 滿滿都是人,吃的,看書的,人多但氣氛鬆容,竟真的閒情逸緻。

看Coen brothers 的True Grit,我看高安兄弟的電影的經驗,從來是看完不感到什麼,看完幾小時才看出味道來,那冷冷的開場,招牌奇情的黑色幽默,神性角度俯視,還有扭轉No Country for Old Men 大嘆老人無用的命題,Old Men 萬歲!當Mattie 去找酒鬼Rooster時,Rooster 何其糟糕,當Rooster 射不到酒瓶和粟米餅時,我們都只好苦笑,最後當Rooster 殺四賊時,我的眼腔裡就湧出熱淚。還有Mattie 的寸咀,太令人又愛又恨,你地成班男人都唔係我呢個女人把口對手,去死吧!

還有是,我這個多心的人,竟然覺得True Grit 是我有生以來看過最浪漫的愛情片,我知我幼稚——最後那兩幕,Rooster 給Mattie 割手吸血,Rooster 千里走單騎送Mattie 去找救亡,他不顧一切的一刀一刀刺著馬,不惜一切,漫天星空,跑到最後馬死掉了,一個人捧著Mattie 走到筋疲力竭,最後Mattie的女臂沒留著,Rooster 沒等她就一個人走了,再也沒有找Mattie 拿賞金,就此消失了,Mattie 沒嫁,Rooster 竟最後到了馬戲團,來信請Mattie 去看表演,沒想到Rooster 早三天去世了,而Mattie 將屍體領回家安葬,年年拜祭……淡淡幾筆,看得仔細,越淡然的事情越美麗,那是不能言喻的默契,這種情懷是有facebook、iphone、sms 的年代不能明白的。