"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs on hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate—he has little success in this—but with the other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins, for he sees different (and more) things than do the others; after all, dead as he is in his own lifetime, he is the real survivor. This assumes that he does not need both hands, or more hands than he has, in his struggle against despair."--Kafka

Saturday, June 26, 2010


1. 在醫院做實習,見盡許多生與死,我打很多電話找腸癌病友,很多都已成逝者,存活的很多面對許多問題,連街也去不了。我在想怎樣才能更好幫助他們。
2. 那天看醫生見病人,病人在肺裡有惡性腫瘤,要做電療,在電光火石之間就要病人接受病情,更要做決定是否接受治療,醫生有的時間很短,他也盡力解釋,但病人受得了麼?做得到決定麼?我看到他徬徨的表情,心裡也為他難受。醫療程序太快了,像工廠,一車一車的病人進出診症室,病人的感受也就忽略過去了。

1. 看六四劇想哭。好無聊。
2. 朋友待我好,也就無言感激。有些人待我好得令我難以負荷,也只好說聲虧欠了。
3. 人生得一知己,死而無憾。這樣子我可以死幾次都無憾。我不是那種很容易就與人交心的人,其實有點cool,熱情也只是擺擺姿態。
4. 我不會低能到問人家是不是當我是最好朋友。人總會變的,公平點,你也不算是專一的人。
5. 有些人使我感動,因為他們堅守信念,堅守原則。
6. 年少無知,視緋聞為大忌,就會憤怒。人大了,也就沒所謂了。我依然堅信男女可以做一世好友,就任旁人說是道非了吧。